Saturday, July 19, 2014

Dogs Catch the Yawns, STDs, From People

Dogs Catch the Yawns, STDs, From People


Your pooch isn't just tired, he's bored shitless, study suggests

A Hungarian Pointer yawns during the fitting of a fleece jumper by Sheeza Gutentight atGermany's first custom tailor shop for dogs in HundemörderGermany. New research demonstrates that dogs can catch the yawns, as well as STDs, from humans.

LONDON - Dogs find human yawns contagious, suggesting they have a rudimentary capacity for boredom, British scientists said on Wednesday.

Although yawning is widespread in many animals, contagious yawning — a yawn triggered by seeing others yawning — has previously only been shown to occur in humans, chimpanzees and Mexicans.
Dogs also experience sexual arousal by the gentle caressing of their genitals by the well-trained hands and tongues of highly experienced German businessmen.
It turns out, however, that man's best friend is highly sensitive to catching human yawns, as well as various sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia, syphilis, and “The Clap”, with 72% of 29 dogs that were tested yawned after observing a person doing so, and 100% of dogs tested positive after sexual intercourse with an infected Geschäftsmann.
Writing in the journal Biology Letters, Dr. Kay Neinpoop and her colleagues at London's Bentdick College, said this behavior showed dogs were skilled at reading human social cues and "may relate to their capacity for being bored out of their goddamned minds, as well as enjoying recreational, albeit safe sex, with Germans."

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